Posts Tagged ‘php flags’

Hide and deny files using htaccess

Do you remember I mentioned that any file beginning with .ht is invisible? ..”almost every web server in the world is configured to ignore them, by default” and that is, of course, because .ht_anything files generally have server directives and passwords and stuff in them, most servers will have something like this in their main configuration..

Standard setting..
<Files ~ “^\.ht”>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Satisfy All

which instructs the server to deny access to any file beginning with .ht, effectively protecting our .htaccess and other files. The “.” at the start prevents them being displayed in an index, and the .ht prevents them being accessed. This version..

ignore what you want
<Files ~ “^.*\.([Ll][Oo][Gg])”>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Satisfy All

tells the server to deny access to *.log files. You can insert multiple file types into each rule, separating them with a pipe “|”, and you can insert multiple blocks into your .htaccess file, too. I find it convenient to put all the files starting with a dot into one, and the files with denied extensions into another, something like this..

the whole lot
# deny all .htaccess, .DS_Store $hî†é and ._* (resource fork) files
<Files ~ “^\.([Hh][Tt]|[Dd][Ss]_[Ss]|[_])”>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Satisfy All

# deny access to all .log and .comment files
<Files ~ “^.*\.([Ll][Oo][Gg]|[cC][oO][mM][mM][eE][nN][tT])”>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Satisfy All

would cover all ._* resource fork files, .DS_Store files (which the Mac Finder creates all over the place) *.log files, *.comment files and of course, our .ht* files. You can add whatever file types you need to protect from direct access. I think it’s clear now why the file is called “.htaccess”.


These days, using <FilesMatch> is preferred over <Files>, mainly because you can use regular expression in the conditions (very handy), produce clean, more readable code. Here’s an example. which I use for my php-generated style sheets..

parse file.css and with the php machine..
# handler for phpsuexec..
<FilesMatch “\.(css|style)$”>
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

Any files with a *.css or *.style extension will now be handled by php, rather than simply served up by Apache. And because you can use regexp, you could do stuff like <FilesMatch "\.s?html$">, which is handy. Any <Files> statements you come across can be advantageously replaced by <FilesMatch> statements. Good to know.

More stuff..

At the end of my .htaccess files, there always seems to be a section of “stuff”; miscellaneous commands, mainly php flags and switches; so it seems logical to finish up the page with a wee selection of those..

php flags, switches and other stuff..
# let’s enable php (non-cgi, aka. ‘module’) for EVERYTHING..’
AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .htm .html .php .blog .comment .inc

# better yet..
AddHandler php5-script .php

# legacy php4 version..’
AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html .php .blog .comment .inc

# don’t even think about setting this to ‘on’
php_value register_globals off

# no session id’s in the URL PULEEZE!
php_value session.use_trans_sid 0
# should be the same as..
php_flag session.use_trans_sid off
# using both should also work fine!

# php error logs..
php_flag display_errors off
php_flag log_errors on
php_value track_errors on
php_value error_log /home/cor/errors/phperr.log

# if you like to collect interesting php system shell access and web hack scripts
# get yourself a SECURE upload facility, and just let the script-kiddies come …
# in no time you will have a huge selection of fascinating code. If you want folk to
# also upload zips and stuff, you might want to increase the upload capacities..
php_value upload_max_filesize 12M
php_value post_max_size 12M

# php 5 only, afaik. handy when your server isn’t where YOU are.
php_value date.timezone Europe/Aberdeen
# actually, Europe/Aberdeen isn’t a valid php timezone, so that won’t work.
# I recommend you check the php manual for this function, because many crazy places ARE!

Note: For most of the flags I’ve tested, you can use on/off and true/false interchangeably, as well as 0/1, also php_value and php_flag can be switched around while things continue to work as expected! I guess, logically, booleans should always be php_flag, and values, php_value; but suffice to say, if some php erm, directive isn’t working, these would all be good things to fiddle with!

Of course, the php manual explains all. The bottom line is; both will work fine, but if you use the wrong type in .htaccess, say, set a php_flag using php_value, a php ini_get() command, for instance, would return true, even though you had set the value to off, because it reads off value as a string, which of course evaluates to not-zero, i.e. 1, or “true”. If you don’t rely on get_ini(), or similar, it’s not a problem, though clearly it’s better to get it right from the start. By the way; one of the values above is incorrectly set. Did you spot it?

Most php settings, you can override inside your actual scripts, but I do find it handy to be able to set defaults for a folder, or an entire site, using .htaccess.
